
Talk Show

I normally don't listen to talk shows in the morning, but lately I've been trying to make an effort to do so. On the way to work, I'm listening to caller who made a statement to the talk show hostess, Dana. The caller said that Dana should get off of the radio, be a good mom and stay at home to take care of her kids. She went on to say working mothers are bad moms because they have not put their children as their priority. She said women have forgotten their role in society which is to stay at home, be mothers and wives.

When the male DJ asked what single mothers are supposed to do, her answer was "if the woman was taking care of her man at home, he wouldn't have left her." This lady totally pissed me off! The male DJ asked her what would happen is her husband left her and she said she didn't foresee that happening to her because she is a wonderful wife available to her husband whenever he needs her. wtf? Finally the DJ asked her what a women's path in life should be and she said to finish high school, then look for a husband - one that makes enough money to take care of her, then she should have babies and take care of them. What century do we live in?!!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people that thinks stay at home moms are lazy and watch soap operas all day. On the contrary, I think it is a difficult job and more power to you if you can do it. I think in this day and age, it is difficult to make it on dual incomes and staying at home is a luxury. Truth be told, I suck at being a stay at home mom. I did it when my kids were infants, but I had to return to work - I was going crazy!

But this lady is something else. She's taking a lot of assumptions. Who says that all men leave women? I'm sure lots of women get fed up and leave on their own. Another thing - why is it ok to think the woman should "take care of her man"... meaning she does everything and he does nothing except bring the paycheck? And what about those single mom's whose Baby's Daddy's are losers and don't help with child support?

All I have to say is I'm not a bad mom nor a bad wife. In fact my children are well behaved,honor roll students. I've been married for 10 years, during that time I've held a full time job & acquired my Bachelor's degree (with the hubby's support). We've had some financial hardship this last year - which if it wasn't for my job, we wouldn't have made it. If something were to happen, my husband never has to worry about me or the kids. I don't regret it.


  1. devilishsouthernbelle.net said...
    I would have totally sucked as an at-home mom when my kids were littler. We needed every penny both my husband and I made just to get by.

    That woman is in-fucking-sane....especially if she thinks her husband will never leave her because she is a wonderful wife. What a crock.

    When will people realize that the same thing doesn't work for EVERY family. Dolt.
    devilishsouthernbelle.net said...
    Yay! I am glad it worked for you.....was it pretty easy to understand? I never know if I am making sense to other people, or if they just have to kind of find their own way through any instructions I give.
    NtPQ said...
    It was easy to understand. Especially with the highlighted code you featured. I missed the part about deleting that little piece but when I previewed and it didn't work I went back and read it and realized my mistake. Otherwise all is good. Now I want the Recent Comments in the side bar too!

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